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Reinforcing the ethics and compliance policy

Rexel’s ethics policy is a continuous progress approach. Its goal is to preserve the Group’s reputation and to strengthen its partners’ trust, thus contributing to achieving sustainable growth.


A baseline document, the Ethics Guide has been updated in 2017. It sets out the principles upheld by the Group from an economic, environmental and social perspective. All employees in all countries must abide by this Guide.

The Ethics Guide was designed to provide all employees with a tool to assist them should they face a potentially delicate business situation. In 2017, Rexel also strengthened its anti-corruption policy and whistleblowing alert.

Specific documents, codes or charters, appended to the Ethics Guide, detail the various aspects or practices which are applicable, in every country:

  • Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, created in 2017
  • Environmental Charter
  • Competition Law Guide
  • Community Involvement Charter

To help implement its policy, Rexel relies on local ethics correspondents whom can be reached confidentially for any query and launches information campaigns regularly.

Built on a foundation of common principles, the Group’s ethics policy frames the professional practices of Rexel’s 24,000 employees.


The French law titled ‘transparency, the fight against corruption and modernisation of the economy’, referred to as “Sapin 2”, aims to raise the level of French legislation to match the highest European and international standards concerning the fight against corruption.

Achieving compliance involves reinforcing the whistleblowing system and creating an anti-corruption Code of conduct. The latter defines and illustrates prohibited conducts: gifts and invitations, facilitation payments, etc.

A new whistleblowing alert

All Rexel employees and stakeholders may report serious or unacceptable misconducts or requests. A dedicated form is avalaible and alerts are processed and centralized by the Ethics Committee which garantees an enhanced protection of whistleblowers and compliance with the personal data protection regulation.

It is essential to continue to trigger and maintain the trust our customers and stakeholders grant us with. Guaranteeing highly-demanding ethical standards is beneficial to Rexel’s reputation and contributes to the Group’s business success. Therefore, to guide and assists our employees and reaffirm our commitments towards third parties, Rexel is reinforcing its ethics and compliance policies by updating the Ethics Guide, implementing a new anti-corruption code of conduct while ensuring a safer whistleblowing process“.

Domitille Fontaine-Castets, Group Compliance Officer.


Rexel’s contractors and sub-contractors are required to aknowledge the principles set in the Ethics Guide and to abide by the general contractual provisions applicable to all of the Group’s subsidiaries regarding their supplier relationships. These provisions include compliance with local and international regulations such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the conventions of the International Labour Organization.