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Rexel commits to combat climate change with 38 french firms

In the lead-up to the Paris climate summit (COP 21), 39 major French companies, employing a total of 4.4 million people worldwide and generating sales of 1,200 billion euros, have made a firm commitment to combat climate change.

By signing this climate pledge, they want to contribute to making COP 21 a success and to limiting the warming of the Earth to 2°C. They emphasize their driving role and leadership in the fight for a more sustainable world.

Rexel is one of them, and the Group has taken its commitments to climate a step further by setting the following ambitious objectives through 2020: At least double sales of energy efficiency products and services (“2011 baseline”) ; Reduce by at least 30% the carbon emissions of its operations (“2010 baseline”).

To learn more about this initiative, download the press release and the 39 French companies’ act on climate.

To discover Rexel’s commitments, actions and solutions to help mitigate climate change, please download the press pack.