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The Rexel Foundation financed a study on energy efficiency programs in Latin America

The Rexel Foundation and Microsol partnered on a study related to the feasibility of developing carbon schemes in the field of energy efficiency in the Andean zone of Latin America. The  purpose of the study is to analyze 2 main issues:

1.       Understand how access for disadvantaged people to efficient equipment using renewable energy can be boosted using voluntary carbon credit scheme

2.       Assess relevance of the carbon mechanism to accelerate deployment of eco efficient lighting for disadvantaged people will be a special interest

The study demonstrated that there is a true need to bring electricity to isolated rural populations in the Andean region. The renewable energy sources remain untapped despite available technological solutions that could be implemented on a large scale.

The analysis of carbon mechanisms as a means of ensuring projects’ long-term sustainability, while improving their social and environmental quality, proved to be conclusive. There is a real opportunity to use such mechanisms, provided that the value of carbon credits increases.


For more information and et access the full report, visit the Rexel Foundation website.
Click here to discover the infographics illustrating the study conclusions.