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Renewable energy brand « Natural Sparx » wins prestigious construction marketing award

Organised by The Chartered Institute of Marketing Construction Industry Group (CIMCIG) the Construction Marketing Awards showcase creativity, innovation and effectiveness in marketing and strategy. After being short-listed for two awards, the Natural Sparx brand was announced winner of ‘Best branding and positioning’ at the awards ceremony in London.

Why Natural Sparx? 

In a growing renewables market, the UK arm of electrical distributor Rexel saw an opportunity to provide a superior service to renewable energy professionals through an online store that provided flexible delivery, direct to their door.
Offering a complete range of Solar equipment and accessories and now also Biomass products, Rexel UK branded the new division and developed a range of benefits for installers to enhance the offering, including a flexible delivery service and highly competitive pricing.
The brand identity needed to be easily recognised within a highly competitive market and gain momentum quickly, conveying the benefits of engagement simply and clearly. The new offering and brand was to be marketed through an integrated approach combining on and off-line channels to raise awareness and encourage account registration.
Working with their creative agency ThinkTank, Rexel UK were able to achieve this aim and the result was a high impact brand identity that stands out within the renewables space, using a colour chart in shades of orange in an industry that usually features a lot of blue and green in brand identities and advertising.
The brand and online store were launched at Ecobuild in March 2012 and the integrated launch campaign combining social media, email marketing, trade advertising and point-of-sale continued throughout the year.
“The launch of Natural Sparx was a major initiative for Rexel and it required the correct level of impact to quickly gain momentum in a very competitive market. Even though the delivery is visually simple it was a challenge to convey the core benefits, which were complex in nature.
Working with our creative agency The Think Tank, we were able to develop a brand identity that met the needs of the launch and provided a creative platform for future development. We succeeded in developing the complex messaging around the brand in a way that was simple, concise and easily understood by the audience, communicating with them in a language they understood.

The simple but eye-catching brand identity has made its mark on the sector, providing considerable standout and recognition whilst also helping to secure considerable levels of sales”, said Carrie Davis, Digital Marketing Manager, Rexel

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